Collegiate Aquatics

Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA
Georgia Tech Regenerative Filter installation and pool renovation
Atlanta, GA
Replacement of original system (from the 1996 Olympics) with installation of an entirely new regenerative filter system, all new piping and valves, UV system, chemical controllers, pumps and electrical systems on 3 pools. ADS completely refurbished the interiors of competition and dive pools. Designed and built a concrete diving platform to replace the existing multiple dive stands. Removal and reinstallation of the waterproofing on the dive pool and competition pool surge tanks. Replaced all valves and hardware in the surge tanks. Replaced 900+ feet of trench drain in the competition and diving pool decking. Renovations and repairs to the Leisure pool; pool analysis for additional work to be completed in the future. ADS is still under long-term contract with GT for all future repairs and renovations.

Georgia Tech CRC Dive Pool
Atlanta, GA
Renovation includes providing and installing an approved leak detection devise and emergency shut-off control to supply piping as required by code, provide and install approved drainage and containment, provide emergency plan and Red Book locations as required by code.

Jacksonville, AL

Jacksonville, AL

Jacksonville, AL
Jacksonville State University Rec Center
Jacksonville, AL
Features a 4000+ sf indoor fitness pool, all-tile spa and a 2500 sf outdoor pool.

Fort Valley, GA

Fort Valley, GA

Fort Valley, GA
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, GA
Renovation of existing 8-racing lane indoor pool. Renovation includes raising deep end of pool from 12ft to 7 ft., new racing lanes, installed a new ADA lift, new plaster finish and performed leak detection test on existing piping system. The leaks were too severe to repair so we ran all new plumbing. In the mechanical room, we replaced filter pump, chemical treatment system, chemical controller, and added a UV system & VFD.

Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA
GSU Natatorium Lap Pool Renovations
Atlanta, GA
Renovation to the main lap pool in the Natatorium include but not limited to resurfacing, re-plastering over the old plaster, with thorough prep, with Diamond Brite exposed aggregate pool finish, retaining the existing lane tiles replacing the eighteen (18) underwater pool lights with 75W LED fixtures, repairs to the main drain sumps, providing and installing a feature climbing wall for the pool patrons.

Athens, GA

Athens, GA

Athens, GA

Athens, GA
UGA Replacement of Pool Equipment at the Ramsey Center Natatorium
Athens, GA
Demolition of the existing filtration systems. Complete replacement of the pool filtration systems for the competition pool, dive pool, rec pool and spa.

Athens, GA

Athens, GA

Athens, GA

Athens, GA
UGA Butts-Mehre Renovation
Athens, GA
Features a large cold plunge spa and large hot plunge spa for athletes.
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207-A Jeff Davis Place
Fayetteville, GA 30214